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Drop The Diet
Weight Loss

For women looking to lose weight, get toned, and stop dieting for good!

Next Round: April 7th - May 4th



Ready to lose weight while still eating your favorite foods??
It's hard it to feel stuck in your weight loss and wonder when you'll be able to stop dieting. You're always thinking about food (usually ones you think you can't have), you dread your workouts, and your motivation is never high enough to make it happen.

When will things finally change?

But the answer is NOW!

Say goodbye to boring diets and hours of cardio... And say hello to your favorite foods and workouts that get you the toned body you've always wanted!



You want:

  • answers on how to lose weight

  • to quit yo-yo dieting for good

  • quick and efficient workouts that can be done from anywhere

  • to stop feeling lost

  • to know a glass of wine won't "wreck" your progress

 WHAT's holding you back

  • You eat "clean" all week, only to totally "blow out" your diet on the weekends

  • You're overwhelmed by everyone telling you to try Keto or Intermittent Fasting or low carb, so you never know what will work for you

  • You rely on your motivation to workout, so you tend to skip workouts all the time

  • You haven't stuck with anything for more than a couple of weeks because you get frustrated by not seeing fast results

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Hey, I'm Sammy!


I know how you're feeling because I'VE BEEN YOU! I've struggled with weight issues, unbalanced nutrition, low motivation, self-doubt, restriction, low confidence, and feeling like I should just quit trying to reach my goals. But I got the guidance I needed and made it my life's mission to help other women reach their goals!

I've now trained more than 1300 women in the past 10 years, using a mix of personal experience and all of my education over the last decade!


  • B.A. Exercise & Sport Science - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) - National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

  • Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) - NASM

  • Fitness Nutrition Specialist (FNS) - NASM

  • Behavior Change Specialist (BCS) - NASM

  • Women's Fitness Specialist (WFS) - NASM

Let me help you reach your goals NOW!

Drop The Diet Weight Loss Challenge

April 7th - May 4th

Over 260 women have completed the challenge! Will you be next??


Valued at over $1100, I've decided to make the challenge more accessible by bringing the price down as low as I can get it,

ONLY $97

What Clients Are Saying:


"I loved the challenge and how it pushed me to do my best!  I am using all of my knowledge of what you have taught me to continue this journey! Thank you for all the time you have committed to us in the last 4 weeks. You have truly made a difference on my life and for that I am grateful!!!"


What to Expect:

  • home workouts (beginner and intermediate/advanced)-- designed for fat loss and toning; with minimal equipment only (circular resistance bands, a yoga/exercise mat, and a pair of dumbbells)

  • customized calorie targets-- so you can understand how much you should be eating to stay in the appropriate calorie deficit for you

  • weekly video trainings-- to help you stop dieting, conquer your workouts, and tackle your mindset

  • healthy grocery list

  • introduction to 80/20 Rule (aka: nutritional balance)

  • weekly Live Q&A on Zoom (recorded for all who cannot attend live)

  • Facebook group support-- for accountability and results that will last


April 6th: Receive starting materials, home workouts, custom calorie target, and access to the Facebook group


April 7th: Challenge begins! Receive first video training (mindset) and attend Live Zoom workout together

April 10th or 12th: First Live Q&A on Zoom (based on votes from challenge participants)

April 14th: Second video training available (nutrition)

April 17th or 19th: Second Live Q&A on Zoom

April 21st: Third video training available (exercise)

April 23rd or 24th: Third Live Q&A on Zoom

April 28th: Fourth video training available (recovery)

May 1st or 3rd: Final Live Q&A on Zoom 

May 4th: closing ceremonies

What Clients Are Saying:

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"Sammy taught me I didn't need to flip my life upside-down to be healthy and confident! And after struggling to lose weight for years, I reached my lowest weight in over 3 years during the challenge!"



"My cravings used to drive me insane-- I thought I was stuck with boring foods if I wanted to lose weight. But now I've kicked my cravings, have lost 7 lbs, and am still able to drink wine and eat ice cream!"



"I've never had a healthier relationship with myself or my food in my life! This challenge has changed so many things for me, and I'm now the leanest and strongest I've ever been too!"

Is this for you?

This IS for you if...

  • you are fed up with fad diets and cravings

  • you want to lose weight but feel lost, confused and overwhelmed by how to reach your goals

  • you are ready to tackle your mindset and overcome your fears

  • you want support from a fitness professional but have been hesitant to commit

  • you need workouts planned out for you

This IS NOT for you if...

  • you want a "quick fix" to losing weight

  • you are not ready to join a community of amazing women who have similar goals

  • you are afraid to try new things and ditch your "diet culture mentality"


You want to lose weight while eating your favorite foods, but you don't know how... You've tried everything and you've tried to do it alone, but nothing has worked.
The Drop the Diet Challenge is the answer you've been looking for!

Simple, Effective, Proven Strategies That Work

NOTE: Because of the nature of this online program, all sales are non-refundable and non-transferable-- both to another person and to another round of the challenge.

What kind of results can I expect?

Your results will depend on your commitment to the workouts and your nutrition, as well as how much you may have to lose. Some people lose as much as 8-10 lbs, while others lose 1-2 lbs (as well as inches).

what equipment do I need for the workouts?

You only need 3 things:

-1 pair of dumbbells (ideally 7-10 lbs per dumbbell)

​-1 set of circular resistance bands (any brand)

-a yoga/exercise mat (or thick towel)

The rest of the exercises will be done with body weight only!

Does the challenge work for beginners?

Yes! The challenge is designed to work for ANYONE: from beginner to intermediate/advanced; from 10 lbs to lose to over 100 lbs to lose!

Will the q&a's be recorded?

Absolutely! All Q&As will be recorded and shared within the Facebook group in case you cannot attend live. You can also submit questions ahead of time so that I can answer them even if you aren't there!

Frequently Asked Questions

©2024 by The Body Effect, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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